4 years have passed since the disaster. The current situation of devastated area that media does not feature recently

– 4 years have passed since the disaster. As time passes, many people were able to come back to normal life, but still many people are struggling on the way to far recovery in the strict situation.

– Infrastructure of road, facility and traffic was revived quickly. Next stage is community development.Approx.100,000 displaced people will move from shelters to own place.


– Debris in Fukushima was reduced from 3.04 Million ton to 0.24 Million ton


Source: matome.naver.jp

*Click photo to enlarge


– About traffic, against planned recovery road (Approx.570 kilometers), construction of approx.454 in 80% was completed and started. Road which started to operate is approx.209 kilometers in 37%.

Souece :matome.naver.jp


– About railway, against devastated railway 2330.1 kilometers in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefecture, 89% is under operation

Source 01-radio.com


– People living in temporary shelter are still approx.234,000.
– At disaster area, upland development and disaster public housing construction is behind schedule.

Source : ngo-jvc.net


(Source :NAVER Matome 31 Mar 2015)
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