Photo – Nihonbashi(日本橋)
A Happy New Year !
On New Year’s Day, many people pay a first visit to shrines to pray happiness and good health this year.
People decorate their houses with special decorations.
“Kadomatsu”, two groups of bamboo to place in front of the entrance.
Families and relatives gathered to celebrate the new year
having special dishes calles “Osechi ” and rice cake soup called “Zoni”.
Each of the dishes has some auspicious meaning which reflects people’s wishes.
Lobsters are for longevity because their bodies are bent like an old man’s.
Kazunoko, herring roe, represents fertility, and
kuromame, cooked black beans, are for health (mame means healthy).
Also, pink and white kamaboko,fish cake, slices represent celebration colors.
Very profound.
Looking back to 2016, the big news to Japan were ;
1.Large earthe quake in Kumamoto. Victime are 165 people and more than 2600 people are injured.
熊本地震 犠牲者165名、負傷者2600名以上
2. A formar president Obama visit bombed Hiroshima
3. Japanese Empelor considers abdication
4. A new leader Ms.Koike is elected as the Govener of Tokyo
5. Hokaido Shinkansen start which connect from Tokyo to Hakodate in about 4hours
北海道新幹線の開業 東京から函館まで約4時間
6. Pokemon Go becomes socisal phenomenon .Also caused many accidents
ポケモンGO社会現象に 事故も相次ぎました
7. Get 41 medals at the Olymic Games in Rio de JaneiroRio
In the world, dose terrorism never come to an end ?
I wish the better peace of the world this year from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for visiting FEEL TOKYO website and appreciate your continued support in 2017 !
今年もFEEL TOKYOを宜しくお願い致します。